Friday 28 May 2010

130 euros can't be that much...?

Especiahally for these WOODEN sunglasses from Waiting for the Sun.



I came a cross this when I thought 'Wouldn't it be funny if there was a TURBAN Outfitters', and apparently there is. And they actually MAKE TURBANS. Go figure.

I received this recently:

It's frame tape. A roll of tape but like with a picture frame design on it. I'm not sure what to do with it yet but rest assured it will be both fun an crafty. And sticky. Possibly a photo montage.

Sleep tight.



Did I ever tell you about the time I dreamt that my dad was the singer from Lynrd Skynrd..? That's what going guitar hero cold turkey will do to you...


Yeah the video's just a guy spooning coffee, or mud. I can't decide. That aside it's one of those little tunes that is oh so unique and raw and lovely. And addictive.

Monday 24 May 2010

the best of the golden half

one of my first posts was about none of my first lot of golden half pictures coming out. but this time round I've tried real hard and remembered to use the flash and also take the lens cap off more than twice!!!!

here's a few of my faves from the roll.

I'm only posting three on here cos my internet at home is real low and glee is on in 5 minutes!!! Priorities.
But I think I'm getting sick of this analogue camera, "ooh i want to take a picture of that, wait, put the flash on, wait for it to warm up, take the lens cap off, wind the film on, click." No room for spontinaeity. I solemnly swear will keep at it tho.

More goodness soon from yours truly xxxx

Saturday 22 May 2010


I kid you not. I've seen some weird stuff in my time but this takes the cake.

I don't really want to say any more...but I don't really think I can. Just try to watch it. And prepare yourself for some fudged-up visuals.

(thanks again to Joe Sack for this one. He's for sure my go-to-guy for entertainment on youtube).
I'll post again in a bit. Got lots more to show you soon!!!!
Til then

Tuesday 18 May 2010


so now i'm pretty much done with my 2nd year of studying film at uni. what a weird concept to grasp. time properly freaks me out sometimes.
but anyway, it will be real nice to be back in london for a while.

here's another one of my favourite commercials....(apart from that awful mumbling voice at the end). i'm slowly coming around to chris cunningham. maybe rubber johnny wasn't the best CC film to watch first.

this is just so amazingly simple. You can imagine the guy with the air gun standing on a platform just out of view, ready to work his magic.

Thursday 6 May 2010


ok so i haven't posted on here for a little while because i've been procrastinating working and if i have to type anything more than a facebook message then i feel guilty about not working. but i have made an exception.

OMG if there was a sole excuse for not working then this is it. i love this hamster so much. i wish i had him and i could feed him carrots all day.

i decided today that if there was any animal i'd be it would be a bat. they're not endagered, they can fly, they talk by sonar. they can scare the shit out of anyone. and they sleep upside down. argument won.

god this blog post is lame. more interesting ones will come next week but i've come to the point where i really enjoy being distracted by anything. especially stuff like hammy over there.

god bless you all.