Sunday 28 March 2010


OHHHH. if only i'd found out about this earlier. missed it by a DAY.


so my friend joe sack linked me to this. watch it all the way to the end. it's awesome.

Thursday 25 March 2010


I've been really liking the music of YEASAYER recently. It's fun and nice and hits the right emotional note. I've been looking for some new stuff to listen to that's not in any way 'drum and bassy' or 'dubsteppy' (or the Glee soundtrack. I just feel that it's reached my Top 25 most played on iTunes way too quickly). All that drum and dub stuff is alright when you're dancing I suppose but it's not exactly the kind of music you can properly love. In MY opinion anyway.

Listen to O.N.E. Ambling Alp is a goodun too.

Monday 22 March 2010

i want i want

The Jeffrey Campbell '99' zip close platform shoe. Check it out in all its alien weirdness. IMAGINE in the summer with bare legs and some shorts. Mmm. Sadly I think they're only available in the states. My hunt for a (affordable) UK equivalent begins...

Thursday 18 March 2010

A Dose of Ub

When it comes to animation, you can't get any more old-skool than Ub Iwerks (Disney animator, creator of Mickey etc.) I'm a BIG Ub fan.
This is one of my all time favourite videos on Youtube. I would pay big dollar to see it in better quality though. It is pretty disheartening watching pixellated hand drawn animation.
Anyway, skip past the reediculous length title screen and you'll see what I mean. I'd take this over CGI-enhanced bullshit any day.

Nostalgic (part one of many, I'm sure)

This is the goofy, tie-dye wearing cousin of death, nostalgia speaking today. Nothing fills me with so much warm fuzzy joy than nostalgia (except for possibly a possibly a fluffernutter *see below*, but that is partly due to its nostalgic value...), while at the same time leaving me a little bit sad. This, of course depends on what has triggered the nostalgia in the first place.
Today's trip back is these photos I found wedged in the depths of my iPhoto collection.

Sigh. The one on the left is me chillin on a bale of hay with my bro and my cousin. The photo on the right is me. Check out how cool and 90s we all were!! High ponytail/bangs combo. Big ol t shirt. I don't know if you can tell but I'm waring my prescription glasses under those sunglasses. When I was a kid I would only wear red or things with animals on it. So I guess I am satisfied with my look for that day. What I also love is the amount of suburban greenery and sunshine, and the bag of Lays potato chips in the front. Aww.

(On the subject of fluffernutters:
I'm thinking of testing out some variations on the original. I can't deny its simple and oh so effective power but I do feel like there is room to expand. I'll keep you posted.)


Tuesday 16 March 2010

Flashy Flash

As I write this I am having my first cup of coffee in THREE days. Ahhhh yum. I've gotta admit though, cutting down on the caffeine has really helped with the whole not waking up automatically before 7am thing.
Anyway, I finally got a flash for my Golden Half camera. The first and only other time I've tried to use it was without flash and the entire roll came out underexposed apart from one and a half frames (one of which I've scanned in for your viewing pleasure). Minus the obvious fingers in frame I love it. Firstly because I took them on my New York travels over the summer. Secondly they are only one that survived without the use of a flash. The Finding Nemo of the bunch if you will.
So now I'm excited to have a potentially exciting camera setup to go and take potentially exciting photographs with. We'll see....

Monday 15 March 2010


I'm REALLY keen to try out O.P.I's new Alice-inspired shade that is suitably titled 'Mad as a Hatter'. It reminds me of being nine and painting layer upon layer of different shades of glitter nail polish, and then peeling it all off the next day at school. SO much fun.
But now it's all in one bottle and I can justify wearing glitter polish again!! Just not sure if I can justify it at £9.95 a bottle.....

On a different note, check out this website. Lots of creepy fun.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Some from Brighton

Went to see some loves of mine in Brighton yesterday. Good times were had. etc. and here's a few pictures I took with my little Pentax digital camera. Sarah in Beyond Retro, Claud's amazing hair flip dance moves and my face.

Saturday 13 March 2010

First Post

The amount of times that I've seen or thought about something and said to myself 'If I had a blog I would put that on it', it's about time that I start my own, and the idea of having a Twitter scares me because of how witty you have to be in such a concise amount of words. Boring Tweets are the worst thing ever.

I love writing about myself and talking about what I like and generally self indulgent. So that is the basis of this blog. Just things I like and want to remember or share WITH YOU.
